Septodont to Begin Distribution of ORASOOTHE® Products

Septodont has announced that it will begin distribution of the ORASOOTHE® wound healing product line. Included in this product line is ORASOOTHE “Sockit” Gel to enhance the healing of oral wounds and ORASOOTHE Professional and Hygiene Oral Coating Rinses. This product line is designed to offer patients a drug-free way to manage pain, according to a press release from Septodont.

These products are suitable pre- and post-treatment. They will add to Septodont’s portfolio of innovative and high-quality dental products, according to President of the Americas, Septodont, Paul Mondock.

“We are excited to add another solution helping patients and practitioners alike with their pain management needs,” Mondock said in the press release.

ORASOOTHE products are now available through Septodont’s authorized dental distributors.

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