Single Cone Obturation – Retreatment – Case Report with Radiographs by Greg Tuttle, DDS

In this case report with radiographs, G. Tuttle DDS demonstrates the effectiveness of BioRoot Flow for single cone obturation retreatment.

I’m a general dentist getting results I never expected. This patient has had a history of failed endos transitioning to implants. He was new to my office, and we treated #29 today. When I see a product, I like. I let people know. Dentists need to have an experience like I have had in the last few weeks. Ever since being introduced to BioRoot Flow…my confidence has increased. ”

Greg Tuttle, DDS 2ND
Founder, TuttleNumbNow, LLC
916.769.6695 –


The patient presented a history of failed endodontic procedures, transitioning to implants.
RCT was needed on we treated Tooth #29.

Single Cone Obturation:

Notice the comparison between the three Root Canals. The middle tooth was sealed with BioRoot® Flow.


While the other RCT were successful, BioRoot® Flow outperforms the prior sealer.

NOW Obturation is Easy, Successful, and for Everyone with BioRoot® Flow, your NEW Bioactive Mineral Root Canal Sealer!

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