E-reputation: a Guide to Promoting and Protecting Your Practice Online

We live in a hyperconnected world in which the internet has become the true locus of “word of mouth”, whether global, national, or local. The internet is a motorway along which information, opinion, rumor, and fake news run at top speed. At the same time, consumers are increasingly consulting internet ratings before selecting a product, service, or professional. They are also publishing online reviews in increasing numbers. In the area of healthcare, some of the most sought-after information by internet users is information on dental practices. Nowadays, dental professionals need to treat their e-reputation as one of their practice’s key performance indicators.

A well-controlled e-reputation is an opportunity to showcase your skills as a dentist and improve the economic performance of your dental practice.

E-reputation management should not be an emergency system that is triggered by a major negative event. It should be included in the dental practice’s overall communication strategy and requires frequent attention.

An effective e-reputation strategy requires that you be actively present on the internet and take patient feedback into account. On average, SMEs that take customer reviews into account earn more money than those that don’t. Businesses listed by Google are generally considered to be more reliable than those that aren’t.

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