OraSoothe® Oral Coating Rinses

Pansement buccal à base d’hydrogel — utilisé pour favoriser la guérison optimale et le contrôle de la douleur avant et après des procédures dentaires invasives.

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Guérison naturelle


Protection optimale


Pour toutes les plaies buccales

  • Indications

    • Orasoothe Oral Coating Rinses are oral hydrogel wound dressings – used to promote optimal healing and pain management before after invasive dental procedures. Perfect for mucositis, full-mouth extractions, periodontal surgeries, and pre and post hygiene procedures.
  • Features & Benefits

    • FDA cleared oral hydrogel wound dressing – used to promote optimal healing and pain management pre and post invasive dental procedures
    • Designed for maximum coverage of the oral mucosa – perfect for mucositis, full-mouth extractions, periodontal surgeries, and pre and post hygiene procedures
    • Thicker consistency that coats the oral mucosa, protecting oral wounds from contamination while providing pain-relief at the source
    • Made from only 7 all-natural, non-toxic, food-based ingredients
    • Professional rinse is intended to be used in-office, while the Hygiene rinse is encouraged to be sent home with the patient
    • Safe to swallow, safe for all ages
  • Ordering information

    • Item #01S0620 – Orasoothe Oral Coating Rinse 3.4oz – Professional
    • Item #01S0630 – Orasoothe Oral Coating Rinse 3.4oz  – Hygiene
  • Documentation

En savoir plus sur OraSoothe

Vous vous demandez peut-être

  • What are OraSoothe Oral Coating Rinses made of?

    OraSoothe Professional Rinse and OraSoothe Hygiene Rinse are made from food ingredients, with no artificial components. They contain mannose polysaccharides from Aloe vera, xylitol and a tiny amount of essential oils of cinnamon, clove, thyme, and wintergreen.

  • How does OraSoothe Rinse work?

    First, swishing the rinse creates an ultra-thin film that protects the mouth from further irritation and contamination. Second, the negatively-charged gel binds the positively-charged sodium. This prevents the pain signal from being transmitted to the brain. OraSoothe does not numb the mouth like topical anesthetics (benzocaine, lidocaine, etc.) Unlike these drugs, OraSoothe is not absorbed into tissues and does not alter cell physiology.

  • OraSoothe Rinse is called an ‘oral coating rinse’ – is this different than mouthwash?

    OraSoothe Rinse (Professional and Hygiene) is an oral coating rinse. It is noticeably thicker than mouthwash and is designed to coat the mouth. OraSoothe contains all-natural ingredients and is designed to be swallowed if desired. OraSoothe provides fast pain relief without numbing the mouth. OraSoothe Rinse is also shown to inhibit microbial contamination Orasoothe provides an optimal oral wound healing environment.


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